Healthy Magazine Page Sampler

DR GHAZALA AZIZ-SCOTT is a specialist in integrative women’s health and bioidentical hormone balancing for the Marion Gluck Clinic mariongluck DR LOUISE NEWSON is a leading menopause specialist and founder of the Balance menopause app DR LAILA KAIKAVOOSI is an expert in the field of menopause and founder of the UK’s first online menopause clinic THE EXPERTS MYTH #6 Hot flushes are the most common symptom TRUTH: ‘Hot ushes are a common symptom that’s easy to spot,’ saysNewson. ‘Inmy experience, however, it’s the psychological symptoms that a ect women the worst. Fluctuating oestrogen can a ect mood. Unfortunately, this is often mistaken for clinical depression, and women are commonly prescribed antidepressants rather thanHRT.’ For women seeking alternative options, ‘supplements of omega-3 sh oils, B-complex vitamins and black cohosh can help with anxiety and lowmood,’ says Kaikavoosi. ‘Black cohosh can a ect oestrogen levels, however, so discuss this with your doctor rst.’ MYTH #7 Your periods will become less frequent TRUTH: Everyone is di erent. ‘Women often nd their periods become heavier to begin with and their cycles get closer together,’ says Aziz- Scott. ‘As you near menopause however, you may start to miss periods and have just three or four in a year. Menopause is o cially declared when you haven’t had a period for a year.’ MYTH #8 The perimenopause lasts a year or so TRUTH: ‘The hormonal changes that lead up to menopause typically begin in your mid 40s,’ explains Aziz-Scott, ‘with the average age of menopause in the UK about 51 years. Studies show symptoms can last about four years from your last period. However, one in 10 women experience them for up to 10 years.’ The good news is that menopause no longer marks the end of a woman’s best years ( just ask J-Lo!). Thanks to a whole host of e ective treatments, we can now enjoy at least a third of our lives looking and feeling great – and free from the tyranny of hormones. Bring it on. 3 HERBAL HORMONE HELPERS l Meg’s Menopause Motion Lotion Water Based Lubricant (£10, 100ml, 40 points) contains extracts of shea butter and chamomile. Use it during sex, or any other time you experience vaginal discomfort. l Vitabiotics Menopace Night (£14.29, 30 tablets, 56 points) A blend of hormone-balancing nutrients plus calming chamomile and serotonin-boosting 5-HTP to support sleep. l Holland & Barrett Menopause Mood Relief (£17.99, 30 tablets, 68 points) contains St. John’s wort and black cohosh for easing low mood and mild anxiety. All at THE CL I N I C 35 For more expert menopause advice, visit