Could superfoods solve the vegetable crisis?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have heard about the UK’s recent vegetable crisis. Just in case you haven’t, there is a shortage of produce caused by bad harvests abroad (and the fact Britain imports half of its veggies!). The problem kicked off a month ago with the #courgettecrisis, which caused a flurry on social media, and deepened with a reported shortage of spinach and iceberg lettuce, as well as a number of other vegetables.
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Although the worst of it is over, there is speculation that some of our favourite veggies could be in limited supply until mid-March. Thankfully, we’ve found the answer: it’s superfoods to the rescue
According to Sam Conebar, Research & Development Manager at Forza Supplements, the vegetable crisis – which, hopefully, is short-lived – could be tackled by compensating with superfood powders. ‘While it is a valid argument that you can never get as much goodness from a capsule or powder than you can from whole fruits and vegetables, there are obviously other factors to consider. For instance, not everybody eats their greens – and even those who do sometimes aren’t getting enough! Taking superfoods in supplement form not only provides a number of essential nutrients, it also provides a much greater level of variety than could ever be achieved with a regular diet.’
Here are three of Sam’s favourite swaps:
1 Spirulina powder contains more calcium than milk*, more protein than beef and more iron than spinach.
2 Moringa powder contains 7 times more vitamin C than oranges and 3 times more potassium than bananas.
3 Wheatgrass powder contains twice the vitamin A content of carrots.
*All gram for gram.
Have you been affected by the vegetable crisis?
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