Beauty / 12.12.2014

5 ways to smooth a crinkly décolletage

By Claire Higney
This area is prone to sun damage, so follow our tips for skin that’s plumper, firmer, and looks great in V-neck tops


1 Extend your routine

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‘The best way to look after and improve the skin on your décolletage is to extend your facial beauty routine down to take in the area, cleansing, exfoliating and moisturising regularly,’ says Harley Street beauty expert Lesley Reynolds. ‘Look for creams that contain retinol [a type of vitamin A], AHAs, hyaluronic acid and antioxidants such as vitamin C to help smooth, brighten and plump the skin.’

2 Mineralise after you moisturise

‘Another good trick is to brush on a pressed mineral powder foundation,’ says Reynolds. ‘This evens skin tone and helps to cover blemishes and age spots. It also contains light-reflecting pigments to reduce the appearance of fine lines and has a natural SPF of 20.’

3 Turbo-charge your vitamin fix

High-street formulas not improving the look of pigmentation and ‘clinkles’ (cleavage wrinkles)? A dermatologist can prescribe a stronger vitamin-A cream. It speeds up cell turnover and boosts collagen, minimising the appearance of lines and age spots. Says Rogers, ‘Use it sparingly, as it can cause dryness, redness and flaking. With any expensive anti-ageing ingredient, less is more as your skin can only absorb a certain amount.’

4 Expert exfoliation

For a younger-looking décolletage, Reynolds suggests microdermabrasion, which gently ‘sandblasts’ the skin, getting rid of the dead cells that make lines appear deeper.

5 Light effects

For stubborn age spots, skin specialist Dr Terry Loong ( suggests intense pulsed light treatment. ‘Afterwards, protect your skin

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with sunblock, and to prevent them in future, wear an SPF of at least 30 in the sun,’ she says.

5 ways to smooth a crinkly décolletage
Article Name
5 ways to smooth a crinkly décolletage
Follow our skincare tips that targets the décolletage area for plumper, firmer, skin that looks great in V-neck tops.
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Healthy Magazine
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